The reproduction shown above is found in RELIURES ROYALES DE LA RENAISSANCE Fabienne Le Bars and
Marie-Pierre Laffitte, BnF 1999. It is dated as being made around 1550 almost certainly by the relieur do roi, Gomar Estienne, in the atelier de Fontainebleau. The authors do not name the binder, due to the fact that they are still unable to say for certain that it was Gomar Estienne and not Claude de Picques who decorated this folio sized binding. We see on this binding a limited number of azured tools and the absence of the three quarter of a circle tool C. de. P. 47. Below In Comparative Diagram 1, I have assembled the imprints found on binding 55 and place them next to Nixon's rubbings from his 1965 catalogue
for the British Museum entitled Bookbindings from the Library of Jean Grolier. Imprints that are not found in Nixon's catalogue have been given continuous numbering from Nixons last tool, in this series, C. de P. 78.