French Decorative Bookbinding - Eighteenth Century

Jean-Pierre Jubert fl. 1771 - 1789?
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(click on this image to see an enlargement).

1140 description

The binding shown above is from the 1936 Rahir catalogue, Vol. IV, item 1140. In the description of this item, we discover that this is a binding signed by Jubert, that it bears arms of Marie-Antoinette, and that it was reproduced in color in Gruel's Manuel de Amateur de reliures. I. p.114. When I first saw this binding I was surprised to see a signature so placed. I still have not seen any other previous binder sign his work in this manner. After researching intensely binders and their tools from this period I have come to realize what a huge treasure this binding is.

I studied the imprints of this binding closely some time ago, and noticed tools that I thought were identical to some of Derome's tools, in fact for a while I thought Jubert must have been one of the many binders in Derome's employment, and that perhaps there was an overlap of tools. Only now after my recent intense review of the Dubuisson Derome tools, did I begun to reconsider Jubert place in this history. What if Juberts tools were not mixed with Deromes? When I started to compare closely the Jubert and Derome tools, I suddenly came upon another major discovery and breakthrough that will enable us rectify the attribution errors of the past that are still being perpetuated today.

I went back to read again Thoinan's short biography of Jubert, to see if I could find out something more about Jubert. Thoinan states that Jean-Pierre Jubert became an accredited binder (or doreur) in 1771, this is about 10 years after Derome le jeune began his career. Thoinan goes on to mention the fact that Gruel reproduced a binding signed by Jubert. Thus the binding reproduced above is the one to which Thoinan is referring, We are lucky indeed to have this high quality reproduction from the Rahir Catalogue, from it we can extract and catalogue some of Jubert's most important tools. However before we look at these imprints, I must now point out what appears to be a huge mistake made by Dacier, and probably many others before and since, in the attribution of Jubert's work to Derome le jeune. Such a mistake would seem so big as to be impossible. However the imprints speak for themselves.

jj-1 imprint

Comparative Diagram 1 - Jubert imprints jj-1.
(click on this image to see an enlargement).

Here we see a 600 dpi scan of an imprint that I have catalogued as jj-1. The red arrow points a strange defect that will be helpful in identifying this imprint elsewhere. Let us now look at a binding reproduced in Les plus belles reliures de la réunion des Bibliothèques Nationales. Paris, éditions des Bibliothèques Nationales de France, s.d. (ca. 1950), Edited and preface by - Émile Dacier.

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Planche XXXIX
(click on this image to see a greater enlargement).

Above is a reproduction of Planche XXXIX, and below I have reproduced Dacier's description of this binding which is said to have contained the étiquette of Derome le jeune and a copy of this étiquette is reproduced within this text, I have enlarged this reproduction somewhat from the original so that we can get a closer look at this supposed Derome signature ticket. The plate is entitled: Reliure a dentelle, par Derome le jeune.

Planche XXXIX description

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Comparative Diagram 2 - detail from Rahir 1140 vs Planche XXXIX detail.
(click on this image to see an enlargement).

In Comparative Diagram 2, we can see that not only jj-1 is the same imprint but that Jubert's fer à l'oiseau is also identical. Below in Comparative Diagram 3, I show enlarged details of these imprints, the red arrow indicating again the identifying flaw that proves that these imprints derive from the same tool. Thus we must admit that the Planche XXXIX binding is not a Derome le jeune. This mistake by Dacier who had established himself as a renowned authority, was then passed on by an another respected authority, Raphael Esmerian. I can only assume that Esmerian accepted Dacier's attribution and then followed suite by attributing yet another important Jubert binding to Derome in his 1972 catalogue. On the next page we will look at this error by Esmerian.

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Comparative Diagram 3 - enlarged jj-1 detail, Rahir 1140 vs Planche XXXIX.
(click on this image to see an enlargement).

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