Seventeenth Century Finishing Tools - France

L'Atelier de Macé and Antoine Ruette (1606 - 1669)


click to enlarge

Comparative Diagram 1 - L'Atelier Ruette 1606 - 1669
(click on this image to see an enlargement)

In Comparative Diagram 1, I show the state of the inventory so far (November 1st, 2013), this diagram will change daily as I add new items. Click on the link below to go to the inventory INDEX where you will find all these bindings listed chronologically with thumbnails linked to detailed information and enlargements.

Click on this link to go to: The Ruette INVENTORY INDEX page.

Click on this link to return to: The Macé Ruette links page.

information about the author return to the home page of VIRTUAL BOOKBINDING