French Decorative Bookbinding - Sixteenth Century

l'atelier des reliures LOUIS XII et FRANÇOIS Ier
the decorative bookbindings from the workshops of Louis XII and Francis I

Inventory - reliure No. 9

click on this image to see an enlargement

(No. 9) Ricoldo de Montecroce, Contra sectam maumeticam ed. G. Parvy, Paris, Henri Estienne, 1509, upper cover.

This binding is identical to binding No. 8

(click on the image to see an enlargement)

This image is from Denise Gid, Catalogue des reliures françaises estampées a froid,
XVe-XVIe siècle , de la Bibliothèque Mazarine,
Paris 1984

419 data

Located in the Bibliothèque Mazarine 4° F. 12690

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